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  • Writer's pictureha nguyen

A girl’s gotta have options shirt

I think you should stick to “beauty.” A girl’s gotta have options shirt Who the hell uses sweet potatoes fries as a vehicle to eat guacamole. Skip the extra step and just use your hand because that’s basically what they did anyway. Don’t get me started on how they sliced the avocados either. What went so wrong in this person’s life that they decided to cut an avocado like that. Who cuts the lettuce with scissors? Is it a crime to cut the avocado like that I thought she was going to do some art solo puro pinche guacamole.  You’re making a video but have mentioned the name of ingredients, neither in the text nor in audio. Good one. come here and LOOK at the way they cut the avocado and also who serves guac with some stringy sweet potato HELP.

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